Spinosaure.com is the store of the company Eldonia , specialist in the preparation, sale and casting of fossils.
You will find in our online store our fossils, dinosaurs: (T-Rex, Triceratops Quetzacoaltus, Ouranosaurus ...), casts, Trilobites, Ammonites, meteorites, mammals, fish, sharks….As well as the specimens that we rent, in the rental part.
We work with public or private museums, French or foreign but also for collectors for special orders and the realization of your projects.
We will be at:
Tucson, Arizona, US
January 26 to February 6, 2022
Chatel-Guyon, France
19-20 _ February 2022
Institute of Judo Paris 14th, France
25 - 27 March 2022
Tima Show Tokyo, Japan
May 26-30, 2022
Mineral & Gem, Sainte Marie aux Mines, France
23 - 26 June 2022
Millau, France
July 22-24, 2022