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Our enterprise

Spinosaure is the online store of  Eldonia , specialist in the preparation and sale of fossils and casts: T-Rex, Spinosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Triceratops, Ammonites, Trilobites, mammals, Arthropods...  Since 2002,  we work with  museums, artists as well as with many collectors in order to offer quality pieces and carry out your projects. (Musée des Confluences de Lyon, Oceanographic Museum of Monaco) We also rent  castings for exhibitions (  T-Rex, Triceratops …)

François Escuillié, paleontologist and director of  Eldonia  gives conferences and works with museums and universities in order to publish scientific articles on  paleontology and evolution.

Our  collaboration  with some  artists leads to the  creation  of works of art magnifying the treasures of the earth and the fossils.


For more information, we invite you to visit the website of  Eldonia  (  you will find our achievements and an overview of our work.

Work by Fabrizion Lavagna, film by  Joel Rejant
Gagner sa vie en vendant des dinosaures, VICE


Installation of 2 turtles at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

An Allopleurodon fossil turtle and a large Archelon fossil turtle replica. Our team installed them with the help of the Oceanographic Museum Team. Go admire them!

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Eldonia works with French and foreign, public and private museums.

Nantes Natural History Museum

Toulouse Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum of Lyon (see photo below: the mounting of the Camarasaurus specimen from Lyon. Photo credit Eldonia)

Natural History Museum of Marseille

Aix en Provence Natural History Museum

Dijon Natural History Museum

Paleospace Villers sur Mer

Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

City of Dinard 

Mineralogical Clubs

But also with private clients, French or foreign. 

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camarasaurus from the museum of confluences

paleo art

Eldonia produced a work under the direction of the artist Philippe Pasqua, exhibited in 2018 at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco.

In the movie below,  Joël Réjant, you can admire the Narcissus whale made by Eldonia. 

Restoration references

--In 2009, excavation and preparation of a block of ammonites from Drôme, for the Natural History Museum of Grenoble.

--In 2010, release, restoration and assembly of a Rhinoceros for the Natural History Museum of Toulouse.

--In 2011, clearance, restoration and assembly of an Oreodont for the Musée des Confluences in Lyon.

--In 2011, release, restoration and assembly of a Pterosaur for the Museum of Toulon.

--In 2011, release and restoration of a Cormorant for an exhibition at the Museum of Orleans.

  -- In 2013, release of a marine reptile for the Natural History Museum of Marseille

-- In 2013 and 2014, restoration and mounting of a Camarasaurus and a Mosasaur for the Natural History Museum of Lyon. These specimens are now on display at the new Musée des Confluences in Lyon.


Eldonia designed or participated  at the following exhibitions

-- In 2009, Center  commercial  Paris Nantes

-- In 2012, Parc Paléopolis de Gannat: preliminary exhibition

-- In 2014,  City of Dinard: "Mimosa season" exhibition


Below are some of the scientific articles to which François Escuillié has collaborated.

Halskaraptor Escuilliei
Phosphatherium escuilliei

Publications on  lebanon fossils

The Cenomanian: stage of bipedal serpents 

Publications on  Buxiere-les-Mines


Publications on  paleontology in the Allier

The Oligocene-Miocene boundary in Limagne: faunal changes in mammals, birds and ostracods from the different levels of Billy-Créchy (Allier, France)
Caddisfly pupae from the miocene  industrial limestone of Saint-Gérand-le-Puy, France

Our team :

Direction :

Francis  Escuillié
Director, paleontologist


Isabelle Escuillie

Marine Matringhem


Roland Lafont

Christophe Lafont

Cedric Coutarel

Denis Messant

Alexandre Henriot



Agent polyvalent
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